Help us to Help Others

We need your help

We Are A Community Of Volunteers Networking For Good.

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Answer The Call | Equip The People | Execute The Plan

Shreveport Volunteer Network specializes in organizing, coordinating and leading our city in volunteer emergency management. All citizens should have access to essential life saving products and services. We shall be a city that is called blessed among the nation!

Please Help Keep Families Healthy and Safe when Lives are at Risk.

75% Donation Collected
0 +

Years Experience

$ 0 M

of In Kind Donations since 2020


Charity Projects


Happy Donors

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Here’s What Others Are Saying

The Houma Times

Robert Averitt of the Shreveport Volunteer Network, among eight people from the group who are helping Terrebonne recover this week, said the mission is to

Workers deliver widower’s new home

Workers delivered a new mobile home, the product of a three-month effort by the Shreveport Volunteer Network and others, to widower Edward Laird’s property in